Starting Over in My 40's

Starting Over

Starting over at any age can be scary and when I was in my early 40’s, I went through a difficult time. I lost my marriage, I got laid off, and basically lost my identity and the life I had created. Everything I had imagined and built over 10+ years was now crumbling. I felt alone and scared and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through.

The recovery process was slow but I eventually started to find the strength to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I was starting from zero so I was thinking do I continue to stay down and repeat the same mistakes or was I going to rise to the challenge and create change? But where do I start?

I began to read the many self-help and spiritual books that had been collecting dust on my bookshelves for years. Finally I was able to understand the messages and the lessons these authors and guides where teaching. I read books on living in the present moment and that lead to online courses on how to live consciously and finding meaning and purpose in life.

All of this helped me to see that I am not a victim and that I create my reality. I had the power to change the way I react to things, change the way I see things, and become the person I had always wanted to be.

This was huge for me to finally understand that life wasn’t happening to me - it was the choices that I had made and how I was interpreting them that created my reality.

Through many hours of reading, taking online courses and doing the work I learned it wasn’t too late - it’s never too late. I got my life back. It was as if I had been held underwater by my pain and my limiting beliefs and suddenly the weight was released and I came up for air.

I could finally breathe and feel the fresh air on my face. I only had to swim to shore and start creating a new life for myself - one with purpose and passion. And, that’s exactly what I did. I started a new life and at 48 years old I started a new career and my own business.

Turning 50

Turning 50 has been a significant moment for me. It is the first time in my life that I feel like my youth is behind me but I have never felt more authentic and I have never been this happy. This is when I realized that I had to lose everything to find true self and what I was meant to do in my life.

One of the great thing about getting older is the confidence I feel about expressing who I am. I am no longer held back in fear of what other people may think. So many things that seemed important to me when I was younger are now irrelevant. I'm enjoying every day and grateful for all that I have.

I’m learning I have a new power at 50 and I’m embracing aging.

I no longer think in terms of scarcity. I am aware and grateful that I have what I need, and more, and I also believe wholeheartedly that I can create whatever I want.

I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to and lead the life I want. Furthermore, I am confident that I can be the best mother, wife, and friend, and have a successful business.

To keep me grounded and continue my spiritual and emotional growth, I do the following:

  • Daily practice of meditation, journaling, and spiritual reading.

  • Exercise and get outside in nature.

  • Continue to grow my business to ensure I’m doing work that is my purpose and passion and feeds my soul.

  • Continual learning through online courses and books.

  • Travel & spending time with family and friends.

  • Goals - big and small goals so I can feel confident and happy that I am moving in the direction I want and see results.

  • Hobbies and interests - we have to be curious about life, that’s what gives us fuel and passion to keep learning and growing.

  • Every day I practice gratitude for having this second chance. Now is the time to live the way I have always wanted and to love and be loved authentically.

Now, life for me is about living with purpose and passion and having deeper experiences. Every moment is a blessing and I’m living life to the fullest I’m beyond excited to see what is to come and what I co-create for myself. It’s never too late, so let’s go start living life to the fullest!


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